Since the beginning of our journey to film and document the amazing story of the Mexican wolf, we have discovered an amazing group of people dedicated to ensuring the survival of these animals. These organizations are actively involved in advocating for wolves, and standing out as leaders among our community, generating awareness about their importance to our ecosystems. We have had the wonderful privilege of getting to know several of these organizations, and highly support their causes. We are very appreciative of their kind words of support regarding this film. If you live near one of these organizations, please take a day and visit their facility to learn more about this remarkable species and support their mission.
Wolf Education and Research Center
We are excited to announce that the Wolf Education and Research Center (W.E.R.C.) has agreed to assist us in generating awareness for the Mexican gray wolf by becoming our fiscal agent! This means that we now have the ability to offer a tax benefit to anyone who supports our film! It also means that we now have the ability to reach many more people on the importance of Mexican wolf conservation in the Southwestern United States and Mexico! The Wolf Education and Research Center is best known as the center that housed the Sawtooth Pack, one of the most recognized wolves on film. It is an honor to work together with W.E.R.C on this important project. As we generate more awareness for the Mexican wolf, their recovery in the wild becomes a very real possibility.
Endangered Wolf Center
“The Endangered Wolf Center is a proud supporter of the film ‘The Last Pack.’ Mexican gray wolves are the world’s most critically endangered wolf, with fewer than 60 remaining in the wild. The Endangered Wolf Center has been working with Mexican gray wolves since the breeding/recovery program was established, and nearly every wolf in the wild can trace its lineage back to the EWC. We have made Mexican wolf recovery a priority and support projects that can help improve the conservation efforts for these wolves. This film will offer a unique perspective on the plight of the Mexican gray wolf and will be an invaluable educational tool to help spread the word about this important species. Education is a vital component to the recovery efforts and we are so grateful to the “The Last Pack” crew for working so hard to put this wonderful film together. It is an important project and it deserves your support!”
Wolf Haven International
“Once common from Mexico to Colorado, only the Endangered Species Act prevented the complete eradication of the Mexican gray wolf. By the early 1970s when the Act went into effect, their population had been reduced to a total of only seven wolves! The Mexican gray wolf Species Survival Plan (SSP) was developed in an effort to restore this wolf through captive breeding and reintroduction to historic ranges. Wolf Haven International has been participating in this SSP program since 1994, as both a breeding and a pre-release facility. Although 20 years have elapsed since the Mexican gray wolf SSP was first established, today there are still fewer than 60 of these wolves living in the wild!
We applaud the efforts of individuals like Alan Lacy who take their passion for the survival of the Mexican gray wolf and transform it into action. Along with Alan, WHI hopes that completion of this educational film will further advance the cause of restoring these wolves to their historic ranges, while teaching the value of this keystone predator to a balanced ecosystem.”
National Wolfwatcher Coalition
“For endangered species, education is often instrumental to long term recovery and survival. While it should be enough to know and understand that a species on the brink of extinction should be protected and ultimately recovered, competing interests often hinder those efforts. As an educational tool, film has an unparalleled ability to engage watchers young and old. For the unique and highly endangered Mexican gray wolf, education and tolerance often go hand in hand. As an advocacy organization, National Wolfwatcher Coalition highly values the work of individuals such as Alan Lacy to advance the cause of Mexican gray wolf recovery, and we are excited to know that education will be at the forefront of The Last Pack project. National Wolfwatcher Coalition fully supports the project based upon the stated goals, and we hope that you will too.”
Trail Camera Footage Provided by:
Other Organizational Support
Here are a few other organizations whom have also been supportive of our film. We would like to thank them as well for their help and support of this film.
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center, California Wolf Center, Wolf Conservation Center,, and LightHawk Aviation.
The Last Pack Volunteer Campaign Team
To help with our fundraising efforts, we have assembled a team of volunteers to become a part of our Campaign Team as well as our Voice Team. These members have helped us with fundraising, spreading the message of this film, and creating more awareness for the Mexican wolf, giving a voice to the lobo. We would like to thank those who have participated as a Campaign Team Member or Voice Team Member, and for their dedication to ensuring the Mexican wolf remains on the landscape for generations to come.
Campaign Team Members:
Ryan Kubalek, Scott Anderson, Stephanie Seeley, Francisco Hernandez, Laurie Hall, Brooke Funk, Samm Haynes, Laurie Goode, Tiffany Elliot, Beverly Santerelli, Auntie Jen, Debbie Kovar, Heather Rissi, Robert Burns, Mary Leacy, Lisa Guilin, Ellee Jane Hounsell, John Herring, Jackie Johnson, John Tissavary, Andy O’Brien, Gabriel and “The Pack,” Sarena Palma, Harvey Hyman, Kathy Cheetham, Michael Sutton, Carla Baranauckas, Emily Robertson, PJ Harrison,
The Voice Team:
Lisa Lashaway, Zakiyah Razvi, Jamie Heineman, Victoria Wadkins, Catherine Harvey, Peggy Patterson, Laura Roman, Debi Esposito, Kris & WJ Wheaton, Sandi, Racheal, Illiana Ruiz, Stella Kendall, Stephanie Ross, Betsy Smith, Ausra Rowell, Tisha Stewart, Karina Schuberts, Lee James McAboy, Anita Rogic, Theresa Nelson, Carmelita Del Real, Allyssa Hopkins, Jennifer, Mehcael Heath, Renee Jones, Kimberly Gallatin, Adela Arceo, Colleen Cooper, Catherine Lord, Fran Martinez, Laura Greene, Jorge Ramirez, Jenni, Lynn Rae, Cindi Moulson, Cherish Moheiser, Katie Rose, Nicole & Pack Elias, Joanna Kedzierska, Lisa Douglass, Dolly Miller-Brennan, Kate Kalkman, Linda Omoletski, Sunny Chang, Rebekah Hernon, Elaine Pullen, Lydia Greco & Family, Jean Rasmussen, Shirley Collins, Jane Gram, Olga Sobko, Tanya Steehouwer, Jenny Howell, Kristina Gayler.
Adrienne Russo, Adrian Nieves, Alexis Colyer, Allen Andrews, Alyssa Miller, Amanda Varona, Amber Fry, Andrew Kivi, Andrew O’Brien, Andrew Wildman, Andy and Allison Frederick, Angela R Knickerbocker, Ann Greiner, Ann James, Anna M Pastuszewska, Anne M Follett, Anthony DeFay, Arquitecta Cazares Hasegawa, Artisan Structures, assanna, Auntie Jen, Autumn, Babs Beaulieu, Barb Lee, Barbara Gladfelter, Barbara Medina, Barbara Nevin, Bears Matter, Belinda Farage, Betty Schueler, Beverly Keys, Bianca Bonamirosa, birdwmn, Brad Carletti, Brad Martin, Brandon and Ashley Grainger, Brandt Gustafson, brightflame31, Bruce Papier, Bryan Jennings, C.H. Dehaan, cabrady21, Carina Henry, Carl N Oerke Jr, Carl Sola, Carlo Carnelli, Carmen Soto-Minder, Carol L Cook, Carolyn Barkow, Catherine Lord, Catherine Pyatt, Catrina DeMicelli, CC Downing, Charles Cummings, Charles Jos Biviano, Charles Kaminski, Chloe Carrera, Chris Meyer, Chris Watts, Christina Souto, Christine Oliver, Christopher Harbin, Christy Davis, Cindy Cline, Cjrm1847, Clayton Heydorncmh.atl, Colleen Sorensen, Colleen Tuxbury, Craig Lanham, Craig Usher, Curtis Miller, Dan & Ricci Wright, Dana Larson, Danielle Bella, David Clinard, David E. Shellenberger, David01789, Dawn Bosley, Dawn Kimball, Dawn Strickland, Dawn Ziegler, Deanna Gibson, Deb Frank, Deb Houshour, Debbie Reek, Debora Kovar, Deborah Coleman, Deborah Whorley, deerparkcavs, Dell Cameron, Deni Oquinn, Denise Kinsey, dhiemstead, Diana Price, Diane Ellis, Diane Gallegos, Diane Nielsen, DivNull Software, dixieclicks59, dlamb21645, dltesab, Don Gossett, Done Prince, Donna Hutchinson, Donna L Cassano, Donna Yolanda, Dooseok Ryu, Doraine Shipley, Doris Perry, Dorothy Stevens, Drusilla Kallendar, drutledge, Dustin Schalue, Edgar Sanchez, Edgardo Ucciani, Eial and Andreina Katularueighmey, El Paso Zoo, Elaine Locke, Elise N Zoli, Elizabeth Ann Jackson, Elizabeth Huntley, Ellen and Jeremy Jewkes, Ellen Marmon, Ellie Hulse, Ellie, Ellis Blevins, Emil Stockton, Emily Robertson, Emma Marris, emomich1959, eoconnor27474, Eric Sanchez, Erik Woods, Erin Purcell, erin_o, Fabiola Campos, facebook_dancer000, Faith Ong, fowlerfarm67, Fran Matthews, Francisco Santiago-Avila, Gary Hoshiyama, Gary Mabie, Gary Seiser, Genny O’brien, Gernot Hochmueller, Gloria Towers, Grace Bizzell, Grace Messina, Gregory Brown, Haas c/o KULSCAR, hanaan, Harriet Gross, Harry Blumenthal, Heather & David Murphy, Heather Ding, Hector Ivan Cardenas Ramirez, Hector Ricardi, Heidi Pankratz, hikingsiberian, hiraichuu, Inga Walker, Irene Saucier, Irma Janauskaite, Iva Krombholzova, Jackie Johnson, Jacqueline Anne Johnson, Jacqueline Day, Jake Kendall, James Baker, James Bollinger, James Lundsted, Jamie Lynn Clark, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Janet Coats, Janet Heading, Janet Hoben, Janet Ratliff, Jarret Miller, Jay Baum, Jay Savary, Jayne Whittles, jbayer820, jdgbca, Jean and Peter Ossorio, Jeaneen Andretta, Jeanette Turk, Jeb Henry-Anderson, Jen S, Jennifer Harper, Jennifer Pecore, Jennifer Roberts, Jennifer Selzer, Jennifer Shirley, Jenny Barnett, Jenny Neff, Jeremiah Hill, Jeremy Huygens, Jesse Russell, Jessica Dietrich, Jessica Gary, Jessica Osier, Jim Bruce, Jinuk Seo, jmathias15, Joan Connorton, Joan Durham, JoAnn Galuska, Joanne Guild, Joe Sheeran, Joel Kinman, joepescitheelement, John McGrath, John Sanchez, John Tissavary, Josh Avilla, Josh Wolf, Joshua Lindstrom, Judith Bayer, Judith L Hewes, Judy Bailey, Judy M Mirabella, Julee Rosa, Julia Coles, Julie Serenson, Julie Webster, jupitersky10, jwhitecrow, K Carruthers, K garrett, Kacie Ash-Malone, Kai Hennig, Kaja Wasik, Kameshima, Karen Conroy, Karen Strimkovsky, Karen Zhou, Katherine Latham, Kathleen Bailey, Kathleen Becker, Kathleen McDonald, Kathryn Tulk, Kathy Cheatham, Kathy Felker, Kathy Krauter, Kathy Lycos, katja08, Katrin Ehlert, Ken Rubenstein, Kenneth Gottmer, Kenneth Vicknair, Kerricko, ketagoesglobal, Kevin Gepford, Kim Cashon, Kim Driscoll, Kim Robertson, Kim Snyder, Kim Wilkinson, Kim Winkler, Krista Johnson, Kristina Sativa, Kristine Wheaton, Kuri & Yukari Mikami, Kylie Hitchcock, Kyndra Kennedy, Lady4dogs, ladywolfdh5, Laura Higdon, Laurel Shiba, Lauren Fegan, Leeanne Krzywy-Willoughby, legolas55_35, Lena Felts, Leo Kim, Leonard Zelig, Leslee Abern, Lesley Briers, Leslie McCaleb Yost, Leslie Purl, Lester Ward, lesvanb, Linda Hoeckel, Linda M Robertson, Linda MacGillivray, Linda Mullaney, Linda Nesbitt, Linda Rinchen Barrow, Linda Rolf, Linda Straubinger, Linda Ventura, Linda Yates, Lindsay Allen, Lisa Feleshchuk, Lisa Houska, Lisa Lashaway, Lisa Marra, Lisa Robertson, Lisa Warren, Lise Olney, Liviu-Teodor Micu, LK Yoder, lla49er, lllanders01, Long Island Press, lookeitsme, Lorena Dinger, Loretta Stadler, Lorraine Logan, Louise Du Toit, Louise Rowland, Lucia Calabria, Luciano Martinez, Lucy Brown, Maki Murakami, Mandy Ferguson, Mandy Pinyan, Manuela Schaefer, Margaret Merin, Margaret Skeel, Marguerite Garrick, Maria Arefieva, Maria Falcon, Marie Beschorner, Marigna Bright, Mark Nguyen, Mark Wonser, Mark Young, Martin Andre Lopez Boultbee, Mary Hawkins, Mary Leitel Taylor, Mary Mcmaster, MaryAnn Murphy, Melinda Hirsch, Melissa La Flamme, MA, Inc., Melissa Ruszczyk, mfcohiba2, Michael Brooke, Michael Goglia, Michael Prado, Michele Martin, Michele Murrow, Michelle Rogers, Mike Holland, Mikoel Remele, Monet Martin, Monica Swierczewski, Morey Gers, Mr & Mrs Ronald L Young Sr, Mr. JS Nicollv, Mrs. Elaine Smith, Ms. Barbara Chason, mvj238n_crespin, Nadezhda Kanarieva, Nancy Boyce, Nancy Dunlap, Nancy Kohl, Nancy Rhoads, Nancy Small, Nancy Warren, Nichole Taylor, nicolewithnotices, Niki Wolf Gilbert, Noma Cassetta, Nora Edison, onyx_wolf, owlsclover27474, Oz & Emily Robledo, pachicklo, Pal Dental Arts Inc, Pam Davis, Pat and Patricia Lacy, Pat Manning, Patricia Berry, Patrick McLaughlin, Patrick Schippers, Patrick Valentino, Patsy How, Paul B Smith Jr, Paul Brown, Pavel Jedlicka, peadams1112, Peggy Cornet,t Peggy Honda, Peggy Thomas, Pennye Shaw, Petra Enkelaar, Philippe Varette, phoenix626, Phyllis A. King, PJ Harrison, pms_ing, poiesis1111, Pratch Hemapanpairo, R Vasdias, Ralf Huelsmann, Ralph Matacchieri, Rama Rajaei, Randy Babb, Randy Gicker, Raphael Pluempe, Ravi Madapati, Raymond C. Singh, RD Hartless, Rebecca DeSousa, Rebecca Dominguez, Rebecca Keaton, Rebecca Taylor, Rena Lymont, Renee Mazzoni, rgntresams, Rhonda Cline, Richard Duerksen, Richard Rosevear, Robert Berry, Robert Erlick, Robert Liby, Roberta Torres, Robin Burgess, Robin McAleer, rockinthestorm, Ron Weinberger, Ronald H Freeman, Ros Altaira, Rosalynde Vas Dias, Roslyn Whitfordr, rnorris, Ruben Escalante, Ruby Blakeway, Ruth Linn, Ruth Martillo, Ryan Kubalek, Sabrina Jung, Sahand Barati, Salvador Gayon Ugarte, Sandy Bodecker, Sandy Roy, Sativasky, Scott Buchanan, Scottye Poe, Shaari Ginsburg-Laver, Shael Hawman, Sharon Guerra, Shawn Rorke-Davis, Sheila Redman, Shelley Crunk, Shin Seungjin, Shirley Sonnich, sensidetrack_bowler, Sierra Club El Paso Group, Soohong KIM, Sr Wakiyama, Stacy Buckles, Stacy Williams, starfound, Stephanie Carnell, Stephanie Salagan, Steve and Elizabeth Johnson, Steve Berardi, Steve Nowlis, Sue Cardwell, sunbeana, Sunny Chang, supertruck2007, Susan Helwig, Susan Wolfen, Susana Skye, Susanna Heinz, Susanne Belcher, sylvestertweety1, T Sutton Tamara Erwin, Tani Randolff, tavenerj, Teal Haviland, Teresa Thompson, Terry Beaver, Terry Wiezorek, The Lehigh Valley Zoo, Thomas Altwies, Thomas D White, Thomas Ni, Tiffany Elliott, tigergary, Tikaani & Chinook Emblin, Tim O’Shaughnessy, Ton de Munnik, Tony Anobile, Tracy Arthur, Tracy England, Travis Kidd, Trisha McNameetup21, United World Vision, Valerie Bennett, Velma Collings, Victoria Sadoffwarisugly, Wilfried E. Keil, William Piercewiredoxy1, Wolf Conservation Center, Wolf Education and Research Center, Wolf Haven International, wolfspiritsong, wolves46, yamicg, Yasmin Sterling Kfoury, Yen Hoang, Yesica Cabrera, yllasd, yuma58, Zia Shields, Zoo New England