Now Available!



Now streaming on Vimeo On Demand! Purchase for $14.99 or Rent the film for just $4.99. Be sure to leave a review and let us know what you think!

In the American Southwest, a unique species of wolf unlike any other is making a comeback. Considered extinct nearly 40 years ago, the little known Mexican gray wolf has slowly pulled back from the very brink — against all odds. From a founding population of just seven animals, this species has slowly grown to a current wild population of approximately 100, only to face a new threat from within: its own genetics. As part of a bold recovery mission, one lone wolf is given a chance to offer new hope for the survival of her species. In telling this story, narrated by Chris Morgan, “Gray Area” explores whether there can be a balanced and sustainable future where ranchers, conservationists, locals, and biologists alike can coexist with this apex predator.

Watch the film here:


After working extremely hard to finish the film for the past five years, I’m extremely proud to say Gray Area won “Best Short Documentary” at the Albuquerque Film & Music Experience!! As a first time filmmaker, this is pretty exciting, yet it’s also great for Mexican wolves! It’s been an incredible past couple of months, screening our film in Arizona, Montana, and just recently in New Mexico. We also just learned it has been selected for the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival in New York! It’s been an amazing journey!

I have submitted Gray Area into several other festivals so fingers crossed it gets into some of them! Each festival helps bring added exposure to the film, and to the story of the Mexican wolf. This is why we made this film – to bring awareness to this critically endangered species! This film tells a remarkable story, and weaves an amazing narrative that truly covers the whole spectrum of the Mexican Wolf Recovery Project, while staying balanced in it’s approach. We’ve heard over and over again on how well done it is, and how balanced it is to represent all sides involved. This is important, as it helps bring people to the table for discussion – something that we work hard for following the film. In New Mexico, we held a panel discussion with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Defenders of Wildlife, and several of the characters from the film itself.  It’s good to see the film do what it’s intended for!

I’m looking forward to the months coming ahead, and stay tuned, as there will likely be more updates on future festivals and screenings! For now, enjoy some of these photos from our win in Albuquerque!



Executive Producer Alan Lacy standing with the “Best Short Documentary” Award

Reuniting with a few of the experts in the film. From left to right: Alan’s wife, Alan Lacy, Dave Parsons, Jean Ossorio, Peter Ossorio, Sherry Barrett

Panel Discussion with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Defenders of Wildlife, and several experts from the film.



Now that “Gray Area: Wolves of the Southwest” has been completed, the time for the first film screenings are just around the corner! The past several weeks have been exciting ones for me, having completed the film and also learning it has been made an “Official Selection” of the 40th International Wildlife Film Festival this coming April! I couldn’t be more proud! The film will also be the feature film for the night at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Tour in Flagstaff, Arizona – hosted by the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project. For those of you interested in seeing the film, here are two great options for you with more dates to come soon!


Our new trailer is about to be released as well which I’m extremely excited about. It captures the essence of the film, with beautiful shots of nature, and stunning imagery.
Sincerely, Alan Lacy Director/Producer

Film Festivals and screenings are amazing ways to raise awareness about the Mexican wolf that can reach audiences otherwise unobtainable. These events can also end up being rather expensive. Help us get Gray Area into as many venues as possible by supporting the film below!